Discipleship part 2: Doing Life Together


The Power of Multiplication
In the previous program, we talked about discipleship including growing in character and competency. Jesus modeled a culture of discipleship with an appropriate mix of both invitation and challenge.
As an apprentice of Jesus, we get to do what he did: Invite others to experience the love of God, and challenge them to teach others about God.
Should you wait till you’re a “perfect Christian” before you do this? Join LaMorris as he answers that question.

supplemental resources

A discipleship group or a discipling relationship typically focuses on three growth areas, depicted in the graphic below.
UP | Growing in your relationship with God
IN | Growing in interpersonal relationships
OUT | Growing in the way you live out your faith by reaching out to others  and Christ-like character
While all of that can happen in the context of a Bible study group or even at church, and while you and I learn from watching how those we respect interact with others, intentional discipleship is more effective when done in the context of a smaller group. In a 1:1, life-on-life setting or with just a handful of disciples, you’ll be able to learn and grow more.
In the same way, while Jesus ministered to crowds of thousands and even had sent out 72 disciples (Luke 10:1), he focused on discipling 12 who would go on to multiply to millions over the next 2,000 years.


Answer the questions below. As before, consider sharing your answers with growth partners. If you’re completing the program solo, write your responses in a journal. 
  • What are one or two highlights from the videos?
  • How about from the triangle model of discipleship?
  • Regarding the triangle: Currently, where are you spending the majority of your time and energy? Growing in your relationship with God? With others? In living out your faith?
  • When you think about discipling someone, how does it make you feel?

live it!

If you’re new in your walk with God, write down the names of a few mature Christian friends whom you can approach about discipling you, then simply pray for the people on your list.
If you’ve been following Jesus for a while now, brainstorm a list of people in your life that you could disciple and pray for the people on that list.
What’s the strategy behind all this talk about discipleship and multiplication?


Discipleship and Multiplication is the fifth and final journey of the Equipped Disciples Curriculum from Athletes in Action. Learn about the whole five collection series and how the parts fit together.