Why Not You?


Why Not You?

What might God be calling you to do despite your insecurities?

Godwin Igwebuike

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Sometimes the Lord beckons us to do things that we don’t really want to do. Maybe we’re afraid of being uncomfortable, afraid of standing out or afraid of being scrutinized. 

While I was in Seattle with the XFL, I felt the Lord beckoning me to start a team Bible study. I thought, “Oh, that’s cool, Lord, … but I’m sure one of these older guys will do it here soon.” 

Well, weeks went by and to my displeasure, there remained no players Bible study. Earlier in camp someone tried to start one, but he unfortunately got cut from the team soon after. Then another veteran joined the squad and even led a team prayer after one of the practices — “He’s the one, Lord.” I thought, “I’ll even approach him to start it.”

Sure enough, he couldn’t pass the physical and was also released. Still, I haphazardly reasoned, “Someone will start one here soon.” 

Isaiah 6:8 (New International Version)

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here I am. Send me!”

I figured the Lord could find someone older, more experienced or perhaps more zealous than me to start a study. Plus I didn’t want the added pressure of organizing one and having my actions under the microscope of my teammates (“Who is he to lead a Bible study?”). Nonetheless, I knew the Lord was making it clear that either I would start one or there wouldn’t be one at all.

“You win, God.”

So I did. We met every Sunday for the rest of our season, and I took the role of simply facilitating discussion and allowing different guys to speak a short testimony every week. Sports can be so stressful and hectic and I think if you asked any of those guys, including myself, sitting around that circle and venting and encouraging one another in the Word became a priceless part of our experience. Those core guys formed some of my closest relationships in Seattle, and I think about them often.

Allow God to challenge you and bring you further out of your comfort zone.

Ignoring God’s beckoning because of my own fear and insecurities would not only have robbed me of growth, peace and relationships, but it would have robbed my teammates as well. I’m learning, slowly but surely, to instead proclaim, “Here I am. Send me!” 

Allow God to challenge you and bring you further out of your comfort zone.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us?’ And I said, ‘Here I am. Send me!’”Isaiah 6:8 (New International Version)

Godwin Igwebuike graduated from Northwestern University in 2018 with a major in learning and organizational change. He is currently a running back for the Detroit Lions.

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