


Gift a Bible

Katie Neff

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“Do you have an extra Bible I could have if I came today?”

This was the question raised by a young basketball player, Helenka*, loosely connected with a local Athletes in Action® outreach. Staff members were more than willing to provide her with one of their last copies. 

Helenka was so thrilled to receive it that she came to the local discipleship group meeting for the first time and even stayed afterward to hear more about what it means to put faith in Jesus

Scripture, or God’s Word recorded in the Bible, is at the heart of all that Athletes in Action is about. As local ministry leaders shepherd athletes and coaches in their faith, Bible study and Bible distribution is a key aspect of their work.

The Struggle and Triumph Bible was developed by AIA® to integrate the faith stories of elite athletes alongside Scripture. This unique version is compelling to athletes because it gives tangible examples of people like them facing struggles in their sport or faith but ultimately triumphing because of their faith in Christ.

In addition to providing these Bibles to athletes around the world, AIA also delivers cases of Struggle and Triumph Bibles to missionaries who would otherwise be unable to acquire a large volume of Bibles. This enables the missionaries to distribute Scripture in difficult to reach nations

Helenka has continued to be developed in her faith as a result of her involvement with AIA. And others like her are making an impact after receiving Bibles of their own. 

Johnny Leverón, an internationally recognized football (soccer) star from Honduras, personally distributed Bibles to every member of the Honduran National Team. When league officials saw the enthusiasm and gratitude of the players as a result of this gift, they gave Athletes in Action permission to provide a sports Bible and to start a chapel time for each player and coach for four teams in the professional league in Honduras. 

Consider these additional stories from around the world: 

  • Thousands of Struggle and Triumph Bibles have been sent to a persecuted nation in South Asia where Christianity faces ongoing government pressure. AIA’s established programs with athletes makes it possible to provide this scarce resource. 
  • In April, 5,000 Bibles were shipped to Ethiopia, even in the midst of war
  • Arabic translations of sport Bibles have been sent to France, Israel, Ghana and Iraq

Despite the positive impact of Bible distribution around the world, local ministers are currently facing the challenge of depleted supplies. In fact, the demand for Bibles in athletic programs worldwide is continuing to increase, just as our supplies are close to running out. 

You can help ensure that sports Bibles continue to be available to athletes around the world by making a gift today

*name changed for privacy