part 4: physical life vs spiritual life

keys to the sketch
- The lower circle represents my life before I received Christ. What was my spiritual condition? What was true of my ability to understand the things of God? Why?
- When I received Christ and He entered my life, I became spiritually alive and was given the gift of the Holy Spirit promised to every true believer. (John 7:37-39)
- God intends for me to continue growing in my relationship with Him, learning how to live the Christian life and relying on His Spirit to work within me to give me power and understanding. According to Galatians 5:22-23, what would be the result?
- But there is another possibility. I could fail to grow in my Christian life and never learn how to experience the power God has given me by His Spirit. What would my life be like then?
Scenario One
Scenario Two
- Looking at the passage from Galatians 5, who are the opponents?
- What happens when our sinful desires go unchecked?
- What is the result when we walk in the power of the Spirit?
- How does our relationship with our own sinful nature change?
- Since we now live by the Spirit, what should characterize our relationship with the Spirit?
- As you look at the sketch, where do you see yourself in the process?
Equipping of the Holy Spirit: Sharing Points 3-4
supplemental resources
The link below provides you with a step-by-step study to help you address some of the hurdles of living the kind of life in the Spirit that we’ve been reading about in this journey.
Power Play – Hurdle Bible Study on the Holy Spirit
What did you learn from this supplemental resource?
- What are one or two highlights that stood out for you from the video?
- How would you explain the difference between being in-dwelt by the Spirit and being empowered by the Spirit?
- What did you learn from the supplemental resource?
live it!
if we confess our sins, god is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 john 1:9 ESV
In going from unprepared to equipped to handle struggles, the first two points covered here were to compare our stories and consider our struggles. Next, we’ll explore the solution some more, including examining a sketch that depicts two scenarios and two responses to sin.
Be Empowered by the Holy Spirit is the third journey of the Equipped Disciples Curriculum from Athletes in Action. Learn about the whole five collection series and how the parts fit together.