Athlete, It is Presentation Time
Morris Michalski
Joshua 24:1 (ESV)
Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to Shechem and summoned the elders, the heads, the judges, and the officers of Israel. And they presented themselves before God.
Most of the time when we use the word “presentation,” we attach this word to it: “PowerPoint.” We also think of speeches, sponsors, business deals, plays or musicals, or perhaps even a dinner table set with tasteful ambiance and loaded with rich food.
Often we use the word when an accolade is given. Images of a championship trophy, an MVP award, a green jacket, or an Olympic medal pop up. Some THING is being presented.
But a deeper expression of the word is the idea of presenting SOMEONE. It is me presenting myself or us presenting ourselves. A groom presenting himself, awaiting his bride. A bride presenting herself before her groom. Moments like these are great ones, ones not to be wasted.
In today’s Scripture, Joshua presented himself before God and brought his whole nation with him. What a presentation scene! Moments like this are foundational and pivotal.
Presenting oneself BEFORE GOD is the most crucial move to make. Taking others with us multiplies the power. These moves matter most.
Did you know that God repeatedly calls us to present ourselves before Him? The verb “present” or “come before” is used hundreds of times in the Bible. The LORD wants us near, before Him (James 4:8).
Drawing near to Him is the only right response to the One who keeps coming near us. He did it dramatically in Jesus and still does. No other god makes those moves and invites communion and community like this.
And what should our presentations to the LORD look like? Here are a few pointers …
FULLY: The Bible says to “present our bodies (and everything housed in them) as living sacrifices to God” (Romans 12:1-2). That means He can have it all.
Like a soldier enlisting in selfless service to one’s country, God gets the fullness of me. That includes my time, talents and treasures, my hopes and dreams, greatest fears and secret longings, strongest desires and deepest pains.
OPENLY: Authentic, unashamed, humble, trusting becomes my approach. Add this acronym too: V.E.T. (Vulnerable/Empathetic/Transparent). The way we often paint ourselves on social media posts doesn’t cut it with God. “Just as I am,” really am, does.
REVERENTLY: Learn to present myself in silence, awaiting God’s prompts and His good commands — like a player awaiting the coach’s locker room arrival. Make room for His thoughts, His words. “Be still and know that I am God“ (Psalm 46:10).
READY: Prepared, confident, unashamed is the idea. Judgment Day before God inevitably comes (2 Corinthians 5:10). And my presentation needs prep now (1 John 2:20).
COLLECTIVELY: Go with others, not just by yourself. Take people with you. Welcome these moments (Psalm 34:3 and 122:1).
CONSISTENTLY: I gotta get to my King’s tent every day for marching orders. It’s a daily, not annual/monthly/weekly check in if I wanna win in life (Psalm 1:2).
Reflect: To whom do you love to present yourself? What presentation adjustments before God might you need to make?
A prayer to consider: O God, I know You want more than my wish lists and business deal presentations. My surrendered self is what You’re after. Just me. Just as I am. I come to You afresh.
Thank You for presenting Yourself so well in Christ, leaving me Your Word and Your Spirit. Help me to present myself confidently before You and bring others too. Amen.