Testimony part 1: My Story Matters


Why You Are Qualified to Share Your Testimony
Your story cannot be disputed. And your story is powerful. What’s true is that story is often much more powerful than any formula you might use.
Your friends, family, or teammates are likely to “read” your life long before they’d be willing to pick up the Bible, and they’re likely to hear your story much sooner than darken the doors of a church. In this video, Reza shares about the power of your story.
But first, pause and answer this question: 
When you think about sharing your story, how does that make you feel? 


Answer the questions below. As before, consider sharing your answers with growth partners. If you’re completing the program solo, write your responses in a journal. 
  • What are one things that stood out for you from the video?

supplemental resources

Knowing what to do or not to do when sharing your story might help take some of the resistance you might feel in sharing your story.
Things to Do
  • Write out your story to help you be clear about what to share
  • Practice sharing it out loud with a good friend
  • Keep your story short—don’t go longer than 3 minutes
  • Jesus is the hero in your story. Place the focus on Him
  • God’s already at work in your teammates’ or friends’ lives. Pray, asking Him to show you whom to share your story with, and when
Things Not to Do
  • Don’t use Christian phrases—use language that other folks can understand
  • Don’t make negative statements about specific people or organizations
  • Don’t preach; it’s a story about you yourself, not about the person you are sharing with
  • Don’t share longer than is appropriate for the situation
  • Don’t paint an unrealistic picture about the Christian life
  • Don’t make the story all about you. You’re not the hero; God is

live it!

Take time to pray and thank God for writing your unique story.

up next: A Life-Changing Testimony

Do you start with when and where you were born? Not necessarily! The next program provides practical guidelines for writing out your story.


How to Share Your Testimony  is the fourth journey of the Equipped Disciples Curriculum from Athletes in Action. Learn about the whole five collection series and how the parts fit together.