Model the gospel part 3: My Own Efforts


In the previous module, we joined Jared as he used the Knowing God Personally tool to engage with Grant in a conversation about the gospel, and about the fact that Jesus has come to give us life in abundance. 
Take a photo of anything (a scene, a word, a picture from a magazine, something you doodled yourself) that represents to you the abundant life Jesus said he came to give us. If you’re going through this content with a friend or a mentor, share the photo with them, explaining the significance of the item you photographed.


Knowing God Personally Tool: Sharing Point 2
As you gear up to watch the next video, think how you’d define the word sin.
Sharing Point 2 | All of us sin, and our sin has separated us from God.


Answer the questions below. Consider sharing your answers with growth partners. If you’re completing the program solo, write your responses in a journal. 
  • What is one thing that stood out for you from the video?
  • How would you define sin?
  • What are ways you commonly see folks trying to reach God on their own?

supplemental resources

In this module, we focus only on Our Conditionthe second point of Knowing God Personally.

live it!

Reflect on and journal about some of the ways that you’ve personally tried to reach God in your own efforts. Feel free to share your note with your spiritual “running partners.”
  • What are some of the ways that you’ve personally tried to reach God in your own efforts. What were the results?

Jesus Christ is God’s answer to our sin problem. Through Jesus, our relationship with God can be restored so we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives.


How to Model the Gospel is the second journey of the Equipped Disciples Curriculum from Athletes in Action. Learn about the whole five collection series and how the parts fit together.