Athlete, Take a Good Look


Athlete, Take a Good Look

Morris Michalski

2 Peter 1:16 (ESV)

… but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.

Footwear and sports apparel giant Nike launched a strong ad campaign in 2005 linking legendary sport performance, a particular athlete, and their shoes. 

The banner line became “We are all witnesses.” It was spread across big buildings, popped on billboards, appeared on television commercials, debuted in magazines, and got stamped on T-shirts worldwide. Remember?

Long before, God brought majesty to us, calling people to eyewitness His Son. He said it was most worthy of our attention. God wanted us to see Jesus for all that He is, to sense His true majesty and worth. 

He knew that doing this could change everything. That campaign keeps rolling through the ages. There is no expiration. 

Of all the things you witness, do you see unsurpassed majesty and worth in Jesus? Does Colossians 1:17 (“He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.”) express your experience with Jesus? Check out John 1:14 too. 

Here are a few tips to witness true majesty, to grow your view of Christ:

  • Study His life. There is none greater to examine. Read the Gospels (The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John in the Bible) to get a fresh, fuller look at Him. Hebrews 1, Ephesians 1, Colossians 1, and Philippians 2 offer great glimpses too. 
  • Note the testimonies of others who have experienced Him. (For starters, read the book of Acts. Listen to some good podcasts or watch some videos as well.)
  • Ask a friend who knows Him. His or her story may help you get a good look at Jesus too.
  • Ask Jesus to personally show up in and around you. (Matthew 20:29-34) He has His ways. He will. 

Take a good look at Jesus as you navigate your day. Keep beholding greatness and loving it. Chances are you will eyewitness His majesty (again) and it will change you. 

A prayer to consider: LORD, help me to see You as You are, as I ought. I want to behold true majesty. I want to witness it and let it mark me and my performance for life. I need this way more than new kicks. Amen.


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