Athlete, Jesus always offers mercy and grace


Athlete, Jesus always offers mercy and grace

Tom Petersburg

Hebrews 4:16 (NASB)

Therefore let’s approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help at the time of our need.

Violation of team standards and rules is a big deal. When a player got called into the coach’s office, his teammates were usually thankful it wasn’t them on the hook. With some coaches, you weren’t always sure what the consequences would be in each case.

The context of this verse is critical. The author of Hebrews has just reminded his readers that the Scriptures are able to judge the thoughts and motives of their hearts (4:12-13). Nothing is hidden from God’s sight. God’s word is as sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, able to penetrate any part of our lives.

That level of exposure can make us a bit sheepish about coming before Jesus.

We come before Him with no explanations or excuses. He sees and knows everything. Who, what, where, why and how I did anything. Yet, God’s response to us will still be marked by mercy and grace.

God’s throne is not described as a physical chair in the Scriptures, but rather by the characteristics of His rule – His authority, sovereignty, love and His GRACE.  The presence of God is ruled by, and characterized by, grace.

Mercy is found at the throne. God’s mercy is a compassion that compels Him to demonstrate His goodness to us in our miserable condition whether or not we deserve it. Jesus walked the earth as a human, so He understands all that we experience.

Grace is receiving something we don’t deserve. He gives second, third, fourth and thousands of chances. Still loved, still cared for, still willing to empower us to walk with Him.

There are times that we would prefer another answer than we get from our requests. He never promised that He would grant everything that we ask for, but He will always deliver mercy and grace.

Today’s devotional is one of five this week on “A Friend of Jesus” by Tom Petersburg.

Tom Petersburg,

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