Athlete, Here are Two Things We Need


Athlete, Here are Two Things We Need

Morris Michalski

Proverbs 28:1 (NIV)

The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

“Evildoers do not understand what is right, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully”  Proverbs 28:5 (NIV).

There are two things we could use a double dose of right now: courage and justice. Our need for courage and our understanding of justice seem to be running in short supply. 

What threatens the supply of each is the same thing. God says so. Know what it is?

The presence of sin royally screws things up. It invisibly blocks our courage pipeline. Proverbs 28:1 points this out. Any unbridled, wicked way in a person will inevitably give him or her the jitters and find a way to kill confidence and courage – things no one wants to experience. 

But Scripture says righteous living, provided by the Righteous One, does the opposite. It brings Lion-like confidence to so many issues we face. One can roar with boldness in the face of things most people find hard. 

God delivers courage to all who pursue real righteousness. And that courage can pervade every great pursuit in life. Yes, the righteous live fearless. God promises. 

Another thing God says evil does is it distorts our understanding of justice (Proverbs 28:5). Justice is supposed to be blind, but unchecked evil takes man’s sight away instead. 

Evil blurs the lines of justice. Like having too much to drink, it impairs one’s judgment. We either come down hypocritically hard on folks or protect the guilty more than we should. 

God declares we cannot see and or maintain justice as long as evil reigns in us. But as we seek the LORD, our comprehension and execution of justice improves. Getting His mind on matters brings justice clarity. Practicing evil perverts it (Proverbs 28:5).

Reflect: Where might you be lacking confidence? Where could you use a moral courage boost? Is there a wicked way in you that needs to be dealt with so that your courage is no longer suppressed or sidelined?

Further, how well are you assessing what’s right, fair, just in your world? Are you getting it right because you’ve sought the LORD, or is sin duping you into believing you don’t need His mind on matters?

A prayer to consider: LORD God Almighty, wickedness is a killer more than I think. I agree with You and confess that it kills my courage and impairs my sense of justice. Help me to call sin “sin” and eliminate its grip on me and presence in me. 

I want to live courageous and just in this world, liberating others as I’ve been liberated. Accomplish this by the power of Your Spirit in me. In the name of the Righteous One, Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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