Athlete, Here are the Fundamental Three


Athlete, Here are the Fundamental Three

Morris Michalski

Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV)

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

All sports have a baseline of fundamentals that govern their play and propel their growth. When understood, mastered and consistently followed, the results so often turn out great. 

Can we talk about some fundamentals of life God wants us to understand and put into play? Colossians 2:6-7 highlights a crucial three. It points to how He wants us to roll. I’ve been amazed at how beneficial these fundamentals are. 

Here they are:

A FUNDAMENTAL ASSUMPTION — Jesus Christ is personally understood and followed as LORD. That’s the norm. He cannot be reduced to less. 

He must be seen as more than good guy, wise man, fine example, revolutionary leader. He must even be viewed as more than Savior/Redeemer. Christians must never settle for less than His Lordship. 

They acknowledge His final authority, establish His supreme worth, and receive Him as King of their lives and center of their universe. That means they bow to all His wishes, do all He says, and follow Him for life. 

A FUNDAMENTAL EXPECTATION — Walk with Jesus. Get in stride with Him. Keep in step. Go where He goes and do what He does. Continuing to live in Him is the expectation. 

We don’t leave Jesus on the sidelines of our lives. He can’t be given sporadic playing time. He’s meant to be a lifetime starter. The bench is not His best role. Life is to be lived IN Jesus, WITH Jesus, FOR Jesus. 

A FUNDAMENTAL FORMATION — Hall of Fame Coach Tex Winter introduced his “Triangle Offense” to the game of basketball with marvelous success (11 NBA titles). A triangle formation triggered all the actions. Make sure this triangle forms in you:

GO DEEP: Root yourself in Christ. Spiritual growth always starts here. Sink into the nourishment that following Him brings. Form your identity deeply in Him. The way up is always down (John 12:24; 15:4-5; James 4:10).

GET TAUGHT: Be subject to good teaching. Learn from godly others. Keep yourself in God’s classroom. Be relentless and humble in this pursuit. Strength finds its way to students of the Word and followers of the faith. 

GIVE THANKS. Abound in thanksgiving. Open wide the valve of gratefulness, and let it overflow in you, through you. Nothing revives the soul like having a spirit of thankfulness. A life of perpetual thanks must mark God’s people. 

This “Fundamental Three” sure forms a strong foundation for life. Hope it anchors you like it does me!

Reflect: Who is Jesus to you? Is He Lord of your life? How’s your walk with Him? On the move or needing a jump start? What one fundamental step could you take today to better walk with God? Would you memorize Colossians 2:6-7 with me?

A prayer to consider: LORD God Almighty, thank You for pinpointing these great fundamentals. Make all of them continually living and active in me by the power of Your Spirit. I want to walk well with You. In the name of the LORD Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.


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