Athlete, Good Vision is Important
Morris Michalski
Proverbs 5:21 (NIV)
For your ways are in full view of the LORD, and He examines all your paths.
How well you see the “floor” (i.e., the court or field) determines how successfully you play. Right? Execution depends on vision. The better the vision, the better the execution. Any kind of athlete or coach knows exactly what I mean.
Same goes for life. If you want good life performance, get good vision. That vision best comes from God. Here’s some breakdown to further help you see what I mean …
GOD SEES. He is not blind, indifferent or ignorant to what any of us face. He is aware … even to the minutest detail, like hair count on our heads (Matthew 10:30). That means He knows a ridiculous amount about us and must care a lot.
We have His gaze. His seeing, knowing, caring brings great confidence and clarity to all who care to look His way.
GOD SEES BETTER. He sees better than we do. Today’s Scripture declares that our ways are in FULL view of the Lord. That means He goes wide and deep with us, seeing both comprehensively and completely. He tracks all our moves.
Nothing is hidden from His view and He doesn’t miss a beat. He even sees to the heart level (1 Samuel 16:7). That’s way better than the vision that you or I can bring to any situation.
God sees everything. And because He does, we must trust His take on anything we face.
GOD DOESN’T MISS A THING. We are tempted to think His vision has limits, but nothing escapes His attention. Because He sees it all, it’s foolish to hide. Hiding only wastes time and energy.
It’s a game we don’t need to play. It’s best to live open and in the light before Him (See Psalm 33:13 and 139:1-18).
GOD NOTES WHAT HE SEES. He doesn’t just observe. He tracks and evaluates. He records and rewards.
When Proverbs 5:21 says that God “examines all our paths,” it actually means that He measures how deep our wagon tracks cut the roads we travel (in other words, He measures how deeply formed the pursuits we take really are). He uses that data to help us see ourselves rightly and to warn or strengthen and affirm the decisions we make (See Malachi 3:16).
GOD TELLS US WHAT HE SEES. What a beautiful, strong, caring thing to do! The Bible is loaded with His evaluations of people, to people. He’s like a good coach who tells you what He sees, where you stand, and doesn’t leave you guessing.
No other religion’s scripture discloses like that. His Word and His Spirit faithfully reveal and help us see (Hebrews 4:12).
BEING SEEN BY GOD IS A GOOD THING. In Jeremiah 24:6 the LORD straightforwardly says, “My eyes will watch over them for their good.” Being under His watch hems us in, like having Secret Service agents always at our disposal, at our instant dispatch.
His constant sight also shows us how foolish it is to try to deceive others (or ourselves) and live a duplicitous life.
Further, it affirms us in the way we should go. And one more thing, God’s constant oversight proves His love. Being fully known and still loved is the greatest relationship experience we could ever have.
So let’s remember that our best vision comes from seeing life through the One who sees it best. And let’s then treasure His feedback every time He brings it. He sees us and life so right, so well. And loves us still.
Reflect: Where do you go to see straight, for how to look at an issue, a problem, yourself or someone else? What might you be hiding that needs to be brought into the light? Who can you help to get better vision in life?
Would you memorize Psalm 139:23–24 and make it your prayer?
A prayer to consider: Heavenly Father, I want to see my circumstances, others and this world better. Search my heart and tell me what You see there too. I know I see best when I look to You.
Since everything about me is in full view of You, help me to stop hiding and just find rest in loving and trusting You. And please help me to help others see as well.
I know I can count on your Spirit’s assist. According to the Light of the world, Jesus, I pray. Amen.