Athlete, God is Working from the Inside Out
Tom Petersburg
Philippians 2:13 (Nlt)
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.
I met a professional hockey player for coffee before he headed for practice one morning. As the spiritual leader on his team, he was a source of encouragement to both his teammates and to me.
Our conversation that morning centered on circumstances that were making life difficult. As we walked out the door he turned to me and said, “God is still on the throne, and He is not worried.”
Our circumstances have not disrupted God’s purposes or His plans. He is never scrambling to patch together a back-up plan or launch damage control. But, He is at work in us.
While most of us would choose to skip the more difficult circumstances in life, God works on our desire to look to Him for direction. Because it is God’s intent to take us through circumstances, He provides the strength to do what He calls us to do.
It is easy to become disillusioned with God when difficulties persist. We are more inclined to question Him than to please Him. God seems to be taking His time. If we are not complaining “why me,” we are probably grinding over “how long.”
A frustrated athlete once asked, “Why doesn’t God just tell us what we need to know so we can reverse this miserable season?” In long-term difficulties we often feel like we are dangling from a rope, slipping lower on the rope with each turn of events.
We really learn the most about ourselves, our faith and God’s empowerment when we reach the last knot on the rope. When He is the only hope we have left, we are more receptive to His work in us.
When we finally discover what He is doing in our lives, it draws us to Him in new and deeper ways.
(See more about Tom’s ministry at