Athlete, God is on Our Team


Athlete, God is on Our Team

K.A. Wypych

2 Chronicles 32:8 (NIV)

“With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said.

I don’t know about you, but I struggle with different things in life on a weekly if not daily basis. 

The struggles vary in which aspect of my life they involve, such as friendships, my job, family relationships, etc., but there always seems to be something. I guess this is why they say life is anything but easy.

One thing I struggle to remember and which I need to remember more than anything else is that God is on my team. Being God’s teammate doesn’t mean everything is roses and cherries, but it does mean I have someone I can turn to for help and guidance. 

Our God is not a God in some faraway place; He’s the Holy Spirit and He lives in each of us.

In 2 Chronicles, it says the Lord our God is with us and will fight our battles. Wow! That hits home. Can you feel the seriousness of this statement? 

How would your favorite sports team do with God in a uniform? How would your own team fare? Pretty well, I would think since one of His names is “The Almighty.”

But, guess what? In our struggles, weaknesses and issues we encounter in everyday life with the people around us, God is also on our side. He’s on our team. 

Further, God is able to help us with the battles we have with our inner selves. If there is a particular sin we struggle with, one which we try to turn away from and yet find ourselves stuck in once again, God is there for that battle, too.

We can have confidence that the God of the universe fights on our side. He’s more equipped than Tom Brady, LeBron James or Wayne Gretsky. He’s the King. 

This does not absolve us from trying to grow into better humans and become more Christ-like, but it does give us a friend and a father we can turn to in our time of need.

K.A. Wypych/


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