Athlete, God has Good Intentions
Tom Petersburg
Genesis 50:20 (NASB)
And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.
It would have been easy for Joseph to question God’s intentions by the way his life unfolded. His life was marked by years of betrayal, imprisonment and abandonment (see Genesis 37-50). Given the opportunity to get even with those who seemed responsible, he attributed his unwelcome misery to God’s good intentions.
James was a sixth round NFL pick. An early season injury put his security with the team at risk. One afternoon a retired player, well known in the league for his faith, came through the locker room. James recognized him and called him over to his locker. “Will you pray for me; I have to make this team to take care of my pregnant wife and young family?”
The retired player replied, “James, God promised He would take care of you, He didn’t promise that you would make this team.”
Within a few days, the team cut James. He was re-signed for the last two weeks of the season, then cut again. Two years later I ran into him at a conference for Christian athletes and their wives. He had just signed a seven-year contract with a new NFL team. James ended up playing eleven years in the NFL.
God cannot do anything outside of His goodness. It would be contrary to His character. Though a lot of things we just wouldn’t call good because of the way it affects us.
In every circumstance we encounter, we tend to form an opinion about God, about His response to our difficulties. How can His intentions be good if He does not insulate us from pain or suffering?
Our questions may not be adequately answered on this side of heaven. In Psalm 18 you will find the testimony of God’s goodness displayed in the life of David. Psalm 107 is a testimony of God’s relentless goodness to the nation of Israel. And ultimately, we find the true measure of God’s goodness at Calvary.
Today’s devotional is one of five this week on “Wise Advisors” by Tom Petersburg.