Athlete, Consider How We Affect Others
Morris Michalski
Proverbs 14:34 (ESV)
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.
“We” affects “me.” Our environment indeed shapes our thinking, choices and behaviors. Family, church, team, community, culture and nation all contribute. It really sets strong definitions and shapes us.
But God’s Word also teaches that “me” affects “we” more powerfully than we think. How you and I live actually impacts our environment. It even reaches the national level. Today’s Scripture makes this clear.
To be specific, God wants us to understand two bold things:
- “Individual” affects “corporate” (not just the other way around).
- Individual morality matters greatly. (Even national exaltation or reproach is at stake.)
Our commitment to live righteously before God and others amazingly exalts a nation. And conversely, our personal sin perniciously affects others unimaginably more than we could suspect.
So if you want to initiate or preserve good change in any culture you swim in, pursue personal righteousness. And if you want to bury a family, team, church, community, culture or nation, practice unbridled sin.
Reflect: Do you actually believe that your pursuit of righteousness or sin powerfully affects others? What fresh pursuit of righteousness needs your attention right now?
A prayer to consider: Father God, have mercy on me. Too often I foolishly think my sin only affects me (and You), not others. Destroy this independent thinking and raise my dependence on You. My “me” affects “we.”
Help me exalt my family, church, team, community and nation by practicing personal righteousness as You prescribe. O may my life bring honor, not reproach, to your worthy Name and to all others, especially those who bear Your name too. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.