Athlete, Be Focused


Athlete, Be Focused

Matt Dunn

Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

Where there is no vision, the people perish …

Busyness –– noise, hurry, crowds -– is traditionally viewed in society as a badge of honor. Yet, for many, the past few years offered a surprising gift … a change in perspective. The lens of hurry was replaced with the importance of being here and being present in the moment. 

As human beings, rather than human doers it’s imperative to relish in the gift that each moment provides. From the simplicity of a serenading bird to the curiosity of a toddler, to the whispers of the wind, to taking another free throw attempt at practice or learning a new way to solve a math problem, being aware and being present in life is really the only way to be effective in a world self-absorbed with efficiency.

Dane Ortlund, author of “Gentle and Lowly,” implores that we must each make a ruthless elimination of hurry from our lives. He points out that 1 Corinthians 13 (often dubbed as the Love Chapter and commonly recited in weddings) begins with patience

Love is patient, love is kind, etc. He suggests that to truly love we must first be patient.

Don’t get drunk on performance and preoccupied with results that you lose sight of the present. Be patient with the process, patient with people, and patient in the present -– as hurry and love are incompatible.


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