Athlete, Avoid Technical Fouls


Athlete, Avoid Technical Fouls

Morris Michalski

1 Timothy 6:1, 5 (NIV)

All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect, so that God’s name and our teaching may not be slandered. … [and avoid] people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.

Have you ever been assessed a technical foul (or been issued a yellow card or sent to the penalty box)? Regrettably, I have. I probably have deserved more than I have actually gotten. How about you?

Do you know that God’s Word talks about technical fouls too? In today’s Scripture, God identifies two offenses we commit in which we either make Him look bad or set ourselves up for spiritual disappointment. 

RESPECT: God says that respect should be given to others, even more than we might think they deserve. When we do, we honor the One who made them too. And we keep His name from being slandered by how we operate as His family. 

God wants His people clearly known for the extravagant respect they routinely bring to others. Failing to respect others well is a technical foul to Him. Always start with respect. 

GODLINESS: The reward for godliness is godliness. Pursuing this virtue is gain in and of itself. Godliness is never to be leveraged to get other things. 

“Virtue is its own reward,” said Cicero. To suggest financial gain is the reward for godliness, like many do, is a technical foul and always disillusioning. (The blessing of God is always more. It’s God Himself.) Don’t go there or God will “T” you up. 

LAST LAP: God does bless and honor godliness, but it is not His only reason for blessing. And finance is not the only way He blesses. The biggest gain is awareness of Him, the presence of Him. 

And bringing honor and respect to the game and its people is always the right way to approach the game of life. Do this and no technicals from Him will ever follow. Joy and peace will. (Psalm 16:11)

Reflect: Who might God be prompting you to bring more honor to or show more respect to than you’ve been delivering? (Remember, His name is at stake here more than you think, and hidden blessing may await as you do.)

Are you subscribing to a “prosperity gospel” that tells us that if we do good God will hook us up financially/materially here and now, and if we don’t, He won’t? Consider memorizing any of these great verses: Psalm 16:11, Mathew 25:40, 1 Peter 2:17. 

A prayer to consider: O Great God and Heavenly Father, I want to consistently bring great honor to Christ and affirm all that You have made. I want respect to lead the way in me with others. To treat others is to treat You. 

Help me not to connect the dots between godliness and financial gain or treat You like a vending machine. To have You is to have enough. You are my pure reward. Keep me on the path of right respect and right gospel by Your Spirit. Amen.

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