South Africa - STINT
Make a Difference in the World
You were created to make a difference, not only where you are, but around the world. Join what God is doing in South Africa!

- March/April Application and approval
- May-August – Raise Extra funds
- Mid to late Sept – travel to SA
- October Experience and Help Annual Planning and set up life
- Nov/Early Dec – Plan and execute multi national UTC
- January – Adjust to culture and get ready for School year
- Feb- May Semester or Church work with the Team in SA
- June – Recess and connect with Team
- July – New Semester through August, Sept, and Oct
- Oct – Annual Planning
- Nov/Dec – UTC
- Dec – Leave for Home
This is an opportunity of a lifetime to make an eternal impact in the world. You will see incredible things, eat amazing meals, meet a plethora of different people and experience rich cultures outside of your own. You will never view the world, or God’s grace the same. I dare you to prove us wrong.
Though I was told it would take a little bit of time to adjust to living in a new country, I didn’t understand that reality until I arrived. From finding a car, navigating banking, insurance, finding an apartment and buying the essentials, to buying a water purifying system so I can have safe drinking water. Those are the practical things but then there’s the emotional and mental adjustments that I am walking through from no longer having deep friendships in my daily life, to driving on the other side of the road, to navigating church life, to seeing SO much poverty, to
learning where to buy groceries, to understanding that it’s important to be less direct in the indirect culture that I am in, to finding a gym and ultimately creating new rhythms, it’s been a lot to process. Though I’ve had guidance, there is still a lot that I must do alone. I told someone recently that any ounce of courage that others may see is evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in me. On my own, I am not brave. Praise the Lord for giving me boldness!
It’s impossible to share completely all that I am experiencing and all the ministry opportunities before me, however my hope is to give you a snapshot of my life and how I am daily experiencing the Lord’s generosity

Western Cape, the region I live in is known for its vineyards. There are over 400, each providing a different experience and most
being family friendly. It’s remarkable how family oriented my city is.

After 31 days of renting a car I was able to find a durable car in my budget. Thankful for this
2012 Hyundai!

Here in South Africa, we have
loadshedding or national scheduled power outages. Each day/week looks different. There was one week we didn’t have power for about 12hrs!

Table Mountain and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans are within an hour from me- about 25 miles away.

Nigel, Works with Nedbank helped me set up a bank account, but most importantly he
LOVES Jesus! He and his wife are helping with a church plant.

Super fun connecting with Tamlin who is a former AIA intern.

Nienke and I in Amsterdam! I was able to see her in January on my way to South Africa. Such a joy!

Riley, is from Oklahoma and is a former AIA staff member. She did a STINT, like me & decided to move here full time. A few months after moving here 13 years ago she met her husband. She’s a HUGE resource for me.

These cute little penguins can be found at Boulder Beach.

Easter Dinner with 4 Nations!

Mieke is a long jumper who became a Believer about a 1 1/2 ago. The first time we met and went through Scripture she said, “This is what I need, someone to go through the Bible with me.” Also, kind of funny, but her name and appearance are strangely close to Nienke, former Michigan State field hockey player and good friend.

Friday morning Prayer meeting with many nations represented (A few missionaries from the UK and South Korea are missing from this photo) Paul and his wife, Stella (not pictured) are from South Korea, they are serving with SLM and Eddie serves with SLM and is from Zambia. We meet each Friday morning for prayer.

This is the question many South Africans ask me when they learn that I recently moved here. It’s an easy response, everyone is so friendly and genuinely desires to help me. From the butcher to the barista, to the furniture sales lady, to my older neighbor taking out my trash or my younger ones having me over for dinner. I feel VERY welcomed! But how am I really doing? Life looks different, in many ways I can’t explain how I feel, because I am still navigating that. I miss having people in my daily life who know me on a deeper level. As you can tell, the Lord is providing people (many who aren’t pictured) to build relationships with me- depth takes time. Then ministry is different, in some ways we are at the bare bones start.
One thing I am certain of though is that I am supposed to be here. It’s truly mind-blowing for me as I experience so many conversations about faith and I have had multiple opportunities to share the Gospel.
• Pray for my team to have clarity on who we should move towards, there are ample opportunities at university and in the community.
• Pray for discernment in finding a church.
• Pray for me as I continue to process my emotions.
• Pray for Marlise as she starts a Bible study with her team.
• Pray for me as I train Marlise.