ready to influence others?
Start your journey to be equipped for spiritual multiplication.
welcome to your equipped journey

There are a few fundamentals in the Christian life that can take you from spectator to participant for the kingdom of God.
- Articulating your Christian faith and sharing the gospel
- Walking in the power of the Holy Spirit
- Conveying your personal story of how your life has changed
- Passing on what you know to equip others through discipleship
- a primary teaching video
- some of the supplemental resources to add value to your learning experience
- some reflection questions
- and a challenge to take action
These resources will walk you through sharing the gospel clearly and warmly.
- Knowing God Personally – Reconciled Into God’s Family (Webpage)
- Knowing God Personally – Reconciled Into God’s Family (PDF)
- The Bridge to Life (PDF from the Navigator’s)
- GOSPEL (What is the Gospel? and Modeling the Gospel)
- Be Empowered by the Holy Spirit
- Share Your Testimony
- Discipleship and Multiplication