Model the gospel part 5: A Story of Surrender

part 5: a story of surrender


Knowing God Personally Tool: Sharing Point 4
In this, the final video, you’ll see Jared model the final sharing point about “receiving Christ.” Listen as he explains to Grant what that means. 
Sharing Point 4 | We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives.


Answer the questions below. Consider sharing your answers with growth partners. If you’re completing the program solo, write your responses in a journal. 
  • What is one thing that stood out for you from the video?
  • Look at the image below. Reflect on your personal story of moving from the circle on the left to the circle on the right. What is your story of surrender?

supplemental resources

In this module, we focus on the final part of Knowing God Personally, namely Our Response.

live it!

All that remains is for you to implement all you had learned in this journey and share the gospel with one other person. Quiet your heart and ask God to show you which person is ready for a conversation about the gospel. 
  • Write down any of your friends/teammates/fellow athletes’ names that come to mind, then, over the next few days, pray as you prepare to share with them.

God has opened a door for us in order to “live and walk in everything He has for us” by giving us the Holy Spirit—the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead!


How to Model the Gospel is the second journey of the Equipped Disciples Curriculum from Athletes in Action. Learn about the whole five collection series and how the parts fit together.