Athlete, There is Happiness for Tomorrow


Athlete, There is Happiness for Tomorrow

Dean Thornton

‭‭Romans 15:13 ‭(NIV)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I wasn’t ever a morning person as a kid, but now I find myself trying to get up earlier so that I can have more hours in the day. 

I’m not throwing my alarm clock across the room anymore or hitting snooze on my phone as often, or bumping into things trying to find the bathroom while also looking for my glasses. Ok, maybe I still do that last one at times, but I do it more cheerfully.

I understand that with each new day I have more purpose, more reason to get up and get started. God’s given me that purpose to have that new outlook on life. I ask for His mind and wisdom on how to plan for things and what type of goals to set.

As an athlete — a sprinter — the best days were race days, and I would sleep in my uniform the night before. Getting up is different now. It’s easier knowing that I’m doing something I love, with my podcast being my business now. Helping people is the motivation, and all of it is still Christ-centered.

It’s kinda crazy how fast the days and weeks can go at times. It’s good to be able to stop and take time to thank the Lord for where you are in life, even if life isn’t perfect and may be chaotic, or non-stop. You end up taking in the little things, like the sunrise with the morning fog and mist as it hits the practice fields, or having your favorite coffee on the way to work.

In today’s verse, the writer talks about allowing God to fill your heart with joy, so you can see all of the great things He has in store for you. It’s having that trust continually in Him that will give you that hope for a new day and excitement about life.

Dean Thornton is the writer and voice behind For My King His Kingdom podcast, a Christian podcast to encourage athletes who deal with mental health issues. For more episodes, check out Dean’s website and follow For My King His Kingdom on Apple Podcasts and Audible.

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