Athlete, Here Are Two Secret Weapons


Athlete, Here Are Two Secret Weapons

Morris Michalski

Proverbs 25:15 (NIV)

Through patience a ruler can be persuaded, and a gentle tongue can break a bone.

Do you know how to work with the powerful to start a movement, stop a conflict, or solve a social problem? Are you any good at being persuasive? 

God’s Word identifies two unexpected weapons that help us gain influence and get consistent relational wins. Each is potent, effectual and unorthodox. Do you know what these weapons are, and are you using them liberally?

Let’s open the arsenal and take a look. 

WEAPON #1: PATIENCE. The Bible repeatedly says that when patience is practiced, a mighty force is unleashed in us and through us. It’s so strong that the driven agendas of powerful people can be rerouted. Even kings will concede to the patient. 

Applying patience to what we hope for is better than all the other ways we scramble, push and self-promote to get what we want. Patience works wonders.

That’s because patient people leave room for God to act. Like a well-trained basketball player, he or she doesn’t really force the action. They let the game come to them. Trusting the process and leaving the results to God is the way patient people always play … and so often triumph. 

Proverbs 16:32 further declares, “Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.” That means that my ability to practice patience is more important than my ability to subdue, control, dominate and impose my will on others. Patience is the way of winners. 

WEAPON #2: GENTLENESS. The Bible says that a gentle tongue can break a bone. That means that gentle words are way more powerful than we think. 

So we would do well to give gentleness plenty of playing time in our lives. Jesus did. “Gentle” was one of only two words that He used to describe Himself, and Jesus was the most powerful, only undefeated one in human history. 

Gentleness helps Care take the lead, lets Truth be heard, and ushers Grace to center stage. And when these things play out, terrific things inevitably unfold. 

Coach John Wooden was certainly convinced of the power of gentleness for he declared, “There is nothing stronger than gentleness.” I love that quote! Hope you do too. 

And for the record, remember that gentleness never means lack of conviction. It only means one’s conviction has found a really good voice to give it expression. Gentleness helps others receive our deepest convictions best. 

So let’s remember these two secret weapons and take them onto the battlefield of life. Patience and gentleness surprisingly strengthen people. 

Reflect:  Are you experiencing the power that patience and gentleness bring? Where does your patience and gentleness need to be applied today?

A prayer to consider: Heavenly Father, I see patience and gentleness as secret weapons and powerful forces for good. And I recognize they both evidence the fruit of Your Spirit living in me (Galatians 5:22-23). Thank You for these gifts. I vow to grow them in my life. 

Help me to go counterculture and practice patience in a world that says get it/say it/do it/make it happen now. And help me make gentleness the powerful expression of my life, just like Jesus. 

Of all the ways I seek to exercise, may patience and gentleness get plenty of good reps in me each day. For Your great glory and my joy in You, Amen.


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