Yale AIA Staff Page


Colleen (McCormack) Rice

Colleen learned about AIA at Yale as a prospective student visiting Yale for Bulldog Days. Born and raised on Long Island, she grew up going to church and playing competitive soccer, but she never experienced those two worlds of faith and sport connecting. She was intrigued to join an athlete bible study offered through AIA during her freshman year at Yale.

She graduated from Yale in 2017 with a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and she captained the Yale Women’s Soccer team in 2016, but she’s most excited to share about the way God radically changed her life at Yale. Like many students at Yale, Colleen entered college as a performance-driven perfectionist. She was crippled by the fear of failure and the anxiety of planning for the future. Through the ministry efforts of AIA and Yale Students for Christ (Cru), by God’s grace, she experienced life transformation from fear and anxiety to peace and freedom in Christ. Since then, she’s been passionate about seeing Yale student athletes experience that same freedom and love of Christ and discover how to worship God in all that they do, including in their sport!

She married her husband, Tyler, in July 2020. Tyler graduated from Yale with a PhD in Immunobiology (2021) and continues to pursue his career in academia as a post-doctoral fellow at Yale. Together, Colleen and Tyler love living, working, and serving in New Haven with their son, JP (2024) and their dog, Levi.

Contact her at colleen.rice@athletesinaction.org.

Noah Riley

Noah always dreamed of working for the Chicago Cubs, his favorite team as a Chicagoland native, because of his years of pitching and affinity for numbers. He started volunteering for Yale’s baseball team in 2021, hoping to make friends and connect with future MLB leaders to get his foot in the door and see his dream realized. But he struggled with the work and didn’t have as much of a passion for it as he had hoped. He quit working for the team after one year, but the bright spot of that year of work was being introduced to AIA at Yale by a couple of the guys on the team.

He reluctantly agreed to play the keyboard for large group meetings, and over the next couple years the Lord took him captive and transformed his heart for ministry. Having struggled with the loss of his mother and the constant pressure of an academic battleground like Yale, Noah found his home at AIA and felt God calling him into service for the ministry which helped him spark a fire for Christ. Now, there’s nothing more exciting to him than teaching student-athletes and walking with them through their faith, navigating the same pressures and challenges he faced before he was saved.

Noah will graduate in the Class of 2025 with a degree in Economics, but he plans to serve with AIA long-term and pursue his Master’s of Divinity after graduation. He loves playing the piano, nerding out about the Bible, and all things pickleball. Above all, he couldn’t be more excited to serve both his peers and many students to come.

You can reach him at noah.riley@athletesinaction.org or his cell, 779-435-4100.