Learn, experience, grow. At the Ultimate Training Camps you will learn how to have a healthier relationship with your sport as learn principles for handling victory, loss, injuries, teamwork, and everything in between, from a Biblical perspective. Take your training to the next level alongside other athletes in team settings led by athletes for athletes.

$200 or R3,700
The camp cost includes your room, meals, camp shirt, and materials.
Athletes from the US can settle upon arrival.
The Five Principles of Athletic Competition
Audience of One – Who or what do I worship?
The Inside Game – What motivates me?
Holy Sweat / Wholly Surrender – How do I grow?
Hurtin’ for Certain – How do I respond to pain and suffering?
Victory Beyond Competition – How do I live for God’s Kingdom?
• Classroom Sessions
• Competitive Application
• Small Group Meetings
• Recreational Activities
• Social Events
• Worship
Download a Sample Schedule
Extended trailer
Registration is from 2-5pm and dinner is provided from 5:30-6:30pm on Friday April 25. The first meeting starts at 7pm sharp!
Please DO NOT come in the night before, because we will not be able to house you and you will need to make those arrangements on your own.
You are free to leave anytime on the following Wednesday morning, April 30th for your travel home. You must be checked out by 9:00am.
Our UTC will be at the ZESA Training Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe.
- DRIVING – ZESA National Training Centre
16676 Ganges Road Belvedere, Harare, Zimbabwe - FLYING – Please book your flight to arrive before 2:30pm, Friday, April 25th. You will want to fly into Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport (HRE), which is 30 minutes from ZESA Training Centre.
- Uber – please use the address above
- We are able to help with transportation from the airport to ZESA Training Centre. Please communicate with us and let us know prior to April 1st if you need help.
ZESA Training Centre will provide you with all of your linens, blankets, etc. ZESA will provide you with excellent meals, which are included in your registration. Meals begin with dinner on Friday, the first day of our UTC, and end with breakfast on Wednesday.
Dress is casual. Please bring enough workout gear for five days of competition. Bring a sweatshirt or light jacket for the nights, which can get a little cool, as well as a pair of jeans, etc. Bring running shoes. Please bring your own towel, water bottle, ankle or knee wraps if you need them, sunscreen, and your Bible. You will want to bring a little extra money for gifts, gear or other expenses that could occur at camp.
Please bring your family’s updated Medical Aid information in case of an emergency.
Although our schedule is fast-paced, you will get at least 1 hour each day to work out on your own at ZESA. We strongly encourage you to do a little running before you come to be prepared for the competitive environment.
We don’t want finances to be a hindrance for anyone not to come to these camps. Please connect with your local AIA Staff for more help on how to raise funds to attend UTC.