National Winter Conference Staff Resources


Staff Resources


Click below or here’s the link to the event:
And download the conference guide below!


Included in the guide are outlines and discussion questions for the main talks that you can use for your small group discussions! Please feel free to share with your students, and use as much or as little of the guide as you'd like. This guide will be emailed out to all (staff & students alike) who registered.


Basic registration will remain open until the start of the event.


We've already created all of the promo content you could ever need. There's even content for every time zone! We encourage you to post these to your camps social media pages!


6:30-7:30pm ET: Session 1
7:30-8:30pm ET: Break & Breakout Room/Small Group Discussions (organized by local staff)
8:30-9:30pm ET: Session 2
9:30pm ET: Optional Breakout Room/Small Group Discussions

5:30-6:30pm ET: Session 1
6:30-7:30pm ET: Break & Breakout Room/Small Group Discussions (organized by local staff)
7:30-8:30pm ET: Session 2
8:30pm ET: Optional Breakout Room/Small Group Discussions

4:30-5:30pm ET: Session 1
5:30-6:30pm ET: Break & Breakout Room/Small Group Discussions (organized by local staff)
6:30-7:30pm ET: Session 2
7:30pm ET: Optional Breakout Room/Small Group Discussions

3:30-4:30pm ET: Session 1
4:30-5:30pm ET: Break & Breakout Room/Small Group Discussions (organized by local staff)
5:30-6:30pm ET: Session 2
6:30pm ET: Optional Breakout Room/Small Group Discussions

We are asking that everyone in attendance register for the event. This would allow us to follow up with them on further AIA opportunities, give them access to the content even after the Sunday night event, continue our connection with them and register them for the giveaways held throughout the night.

In the feedback we received from staff prior to organizing this event we were highly encouraged to charge something so that students have a sense of buy-in to the conference. If you wish to scholarship those attending your watch party, scholarship codes can be secured by emailing

Each region or local movement is responsible for organizing their own breakout time. That includes creating your own Zoom meeting or organizing watch parties, and communicating the plan with your students. There will be a discussion guide provided via email with small group questions that you are free to use.

For students who register and are not affiliated with an existing AIA movement, SportLinc is organizing Zoom breakout groups and those students will be sent those links.

Click here for the Conference Guide*, which includes outlines and discussion questions for the main talks. This guide will also be emailed to all (staff & students alike) who register.

*This version of the guide does not have the QR code/link for the feedback survey yet. It will be added ASAP.

Closer to the event, we will publish the master list and sort it by state so that you can see this information.

The link will be sent out the week of the event.

Yes! This is a great opportunity to give ministry partners a glimpse at what AIA is all about! Feel free to share the link with them once we send it out.

Keep in mind, however, this is an event for student athletes. We will not be coordinating Zoom breakout rooms for ministry partners.

No problem! The cool thing about using YouTube as a platform is that even if you join late, you can “rewind” and start from the beginning. Feel free to take advantage of this if the start time doesn’t work for your local movement. 

The official program on Youtube will end at 9:30pm ET/6:30pm PT. Whether or not you organize breakout rooms/small group discussions after that is up to you and your local movement. If you choose to meet again after session 2, there will be a discussion guide with questions relating to LaMorris’s second talk available.

Please fill out this survey at the end of the event and share it with your students.