Athlete, Remember the Finishing Touch
Mo Michalski
Ephesians 6:18 (ESV)
... praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.
Adding a finishing touch feels great. It puts an exclamation point on the job. It puts pop into any play executed. It brings a knockout punch.
Now notice how the apostle Paul puts a finishing touch to his powerful teaching on the absolute reality of spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-17). His capstone line is this: “Pray at all times in the Spirit.”
He’s saying, in essence, protect yourself against life’s strongest enemies and win life’s toughest battles by praying in the Spirit. Don’t fight the enemy without fighting to hear from God first.
What does it mean to “pray in the Spirit”? I suggest simply this:
* MEAN BUSINESS when you talk to God. Do the hard work OF prayer. Do hard work IN prayer. Have it out with God first, BEFORE you deal with any enemy of your soul. And do it all through, DURING the battle.
Linger in prayer. Make prayer that earnest.
* HEAR FROM HIM. Get in touch with His Spirit, not just yours. Listen for His whispers. Let Him invade your self-talk. Make prayer two-way communication.
Don’t just tell God what you think you need to do to win and ask Him to bless your ideas and plans. Ask for His mind on matters. Wait for His orders, instructions, reminders, keys to the game.
Don’t leave for a battlefront until you’ve heard from your Commanding Officer. Turn prayer into a dynamic duo experience.
* AT ALL TIMES: Like a head football coach always wears a headset to keep in touch with all his coaches, make Spirit communication your S.O.P. — Standard Operating Procedure.
The Spirit is committed to our life and godliness. He ever opposes the enemy of our souls. Join Him. Stay in constant touch. Wear a spiritual headset. Victories await those who do.
If you want to win life’s strongest battles, put a finishing touch on each day by praying in the Spirit.
Reflect: How earnest are you to pray as well as fight? Is prayer one-way or two-way with you? Do you wear a spiritual headset when you do life, when you face your foes?
A prayer to consider: LORD, speak. Show me where the enemies of my soul lurk. Tell me words of life that will keep me fighting hard all the way to victory. I need Your victorious, vigilant Spirit living and active in me.
Remind me to always put a finishing touch on all my battles through prayer … just like Jesus. Do this for my joy and for Your great glory. Amen.