Athlete, Pursue These and Find This


Athlete, Pursue These and Find This

Morris Michalski

Proverbs 21:21 (ESV)

Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor.

It sure is satisfying to find what we’re looking for, especially if it’s critical or missing. 

A lost key, a misplaced wallet, an improved performance technique, a new business strategy, a better game plan, restored health, true peace of mind, full forgiveness, complete reconciliation, or a discovered mate … all these represent things we’re so very glad to find.

Proverbs 21:21 points us to three even more foundational finds, and it tells us how to get them. It’s all packaged in eleven words. Let’s take a closer look.

LIFE FOUND: Real fulfillment, meaning, purpose, satisfaction in life awaits discovery. The deadly disease of me has a cure. Mundane living will get booted out of town. Only abundant living will be left (John 10:10).

RIGHTEOUSNESS FOUND: Complete acceptance, heavenly citizenship, full forgiveness and experienced wholeness is what discovered righteousness looks like. It is finding Who we’re really looking for and what we truly want and need. It is personally finding Jesus, the Righteous One, and letting Him find us.

HONOR FOUND: Nothing beats finding reward, encouragement, confidence and affirmation in the journey … and at the end of the trail. Highest honor comes from God. He loves to affirm and confirm someone who faithfully follows Him.

God says this terrific trio comes our way as we seek these two things …

PURSUE RIGHTEOUSNESS. This means pursuing a Person, a Righteous One. Since none are righteous, it’s futile to try to be good enough. 

Instead, let’s attach ourselves so closely to a Righteous One that He rubs off on us. Let His perfect blood mark, stain and wash us clean. Jesus makes us right before God.

PURSUE KINDNESS. This means loving others liberally, serving many practically, extending grace and mercy indiscriminately, with no thought of return.

I’m not sure what you are looking for, but I know that if you’re pursuing righteousness and kindness, you’re bound to find life, righteousness, honor. God sees to it.

Reflect: Do you know how to find life, righteousness, and honor? Are you looking for these three in the right places, in the right ways? How can you pursue righteousness today?

A prayer to consider: LORD, thank You for Your strong, extravagant commitment to reward seekers. Life, righteousness and honor are such great gets. Keep making me confident in finding these as I pursue the righteousness and kindness of Christ. Lead me by Your Spirit. Amen.


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