Cru Red River Winter Conference

Red River Cru Winter Conference

Information and Instructions for Registering!

Dates: Jan. 1 – Jan. 5, 2024

Location: Hyatt Regency Dallas – 300 Reunion Blvd. Dallas, TX 75207

Cost: $249 before Dec. 7th, $309 after Dec. 7th for late registrants

Speakers: Jada Edwards, Afshin Ziafat, Rachel Gilson, Justin Whitmel Earley 

Other Info:
– When registering, put AIA next to your campus name when you are entering it in.

– Choose the “Multiply” path because there will not be an AIA option for pathway

– We will have our own AIA “Pathways” time just with our athletes for a couple of hours each morning and then join the rest of the group at different seminars during the afternoons and the main meeting at night. We also have one night when our whole AIA group will go out to dinner (on the region) and two “Community Specific Times” at the beginning and end of the conference. 


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