Athlete, Take Care of Your Spiritual Feet


Athlete, Take Care of Your Spiritual Feet

Holly Page

Ephesians 6:15 (ESV)

... and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.

I’m desperately trying to heal up my hobbled feet. I feel pain every step I take, and the constant ache is a great reminder that my feet can’t be ignored.

I’ve had plantar fasciitis before. The first time was as a college athlete. I suspect that I didn’t get it from playing basketball, but from dancing while wearing wooden platform shoes. My bad!

I still remember the searing pain in my heels, as if I’d jumped from a ladder and landed on rocks. And adding insult to injury, I had to wear horribly ill-fitting orthotics from the dark ages. OUCH!

In recent years, this malady has come mysteriously without warning and left just as mysteriously. But for some reason, the latest bout with foot affliction is stubbornly hanging around.

It’s so painful that I’m discouraged and resistant to move at all! But I need to address the issue, take this seriously and bite the bullet, which for me means a visit to the doctor. I need to take care of my feet.

All this trouble with my feet caused me to ask God, “What are You wanting to teach me through this pain?” Curiously, this verse about the armor of God immediately popped into my mind.

“… and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace” (Ephesians 6:15).

I’ve always wondered what fitted foot armor looked like, and if it wasn’t worn, would your enemies immediately try to attack your toes?

But let’s make a spiritual connection to God’s foot armor and ask ourselves some probing questions.

  • Am I ready at all times with the gospel, or am I hesitant to engage others with the truth?
  • Am I able to share my faith, or am I ill-equipped and under-trained?
  • Am I obedient, attentive to my calling, or am I a deserter, hiding from the battle?
  • Am I walking in faith everywhere I go, or am I fearful, anxious and stressed out?
  • Am I more concerned with how my shoes look, if they’re cute and stylish, or do I value the armored shoes that God has personally fitted me with – His supernatural peace?

In other words, am I walking with God daily, trained by His Word of truth, empowered by His Holy Spirit and set apart for His purposes?

Athlete, let’s take care of our spiritual feet, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15 NIV).


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